(no subject)

Dec 24, 2012 13:13

Title: The Pulse That I've Always Needed[Klaroline]
Author: fleurdesparks
Characters/Pairing: Klaus, Caroline; Klaroline
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Spoilers: 4x07 spoilers, be ware
Summary: Introspective on Klaus and his humanity
Author's Note: Practicing with characterization, fyi.  This is more of a drabble.
Disclaimer: Don't own.

The Pulse That I’ve Always Needed

“I never answered your question," he says.  To the puzzled and slightly off-put look on her face, he adds, “about a time I’d ever thought of being human.”

nbsp;   He tells her about the hummingbird in the Andes, the way the creature’s heart pounded a million times a minute, the way it fought to stay alive day after day.He watches her expression as she listens to him, and he notes the frown, the furrowed brows.  He thinks it’s because she doesn’t believe he’d ever stop and think, honestly think, about something like that hummingbird.

nbsp;   “And that was the one time I ever thought of being human," he finishes.  Caroline’s frown morphs into a small smile.  He smiles too, and for once, there isn’t a glimmer of resentment in her gaze when she looks at him.  All he sees is her smile, the way it reflects in her eyes.

nbsp;   For a moment, Klaus wishes they could always be like this.  He knows he can uphold his end of the bargain; he’s been doing it for the past year.  He’s been himself-the part of him that the world doesn’t see, the part that Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Finn remember.  He knows she isn’t buying it; his heart sinks a little at the thought of it.  She doesn’t realize what he’s given her, so he thinks.  This humanity of his-the hurt he feels when she rejects him, the feeling he gets when her façade slips and she lets him inside, the love he has-he likes to think she is the only other person besides his family, of course, who’s ever experienced that from him.

nbsp;   It’ll take a while, Klaus knows that.  But he can wait. Whether it be a day, a month, a year, or a thousand years.  He can wait.

Title borrowed from “Gone, Gone, Gone” by Philip Phillips.  “You’re my headstart, you’re my rugged heart; you’re the pulse that I’ve always needed”  Reviews are love!

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