Apr 11, 2006 13:49
It has been a year today since I had surgery. It's kinda hard to believe the time has gone by so quickly. Too bad I still DIE occaisionally. XP Stupid doctors.
I've been looking back at my posts before and after everything. It looks like just a week before I was able to see my mother for the first time in a while. I was also supposed to have people over that weekend (from the looks of it probably for more fushigi yugi with Asher and Shippo). Looks like that didn't go over too well. I do remember going out on Saturday with... Anna I think. Yeah. The doctor had given me a shot of something. It took away most of the pain for a short time.
XD I'd also gone on a date with Alabama not too long before the death too. I didn't think all of these little events happened so close to one another. I love memories.
Most of my time in the hospital was a blur. That could be because I forced myself to sleep most of the time. ^^; Better to sleep than feel uncomfortable like something is missing and things are moving that shouldn't be. Oo;; It's not fun. I remember the visits I got and how happy I was to wake up and see friends and family by me even if I couldn't really show it.
But still... one year and the doctors are still working on me. XD I'm determined to get healthy though. Even if it means giving up all of the tasty dishes that I love so much.. so long as I can have them on special occaisions. Like for instance... my birthday which is coming up in 18 days. ^^!