Take Care of Your Innards

Jul 13, 2004 12:22

I killed a little time last night reading STAR magazine--the issue highlighting celebrity flaws: Tori Spelling's cellulite, Anna Nicole Smith's underarm jiggle, etc. It didn't make me feel better about my own flaws. Actually, it made me a little sick. You'd be surprised how many celebrities have deformed or partially missing fingers (Denzel, Cameron, Matt Perry.)

There was an article on Russell Crowe filming a movie in Toronto. Apparently, he and his wife were eating dinner at a steak house, and another patron was having trouble with his debit card being accepted. So Russell says, "I'll pass you some cash, mate, if you need it."

That Russell. God love him.

A few minutes ago one of my meeting planners just informed me she's going to go for major surgery in September and will be out for 8 weeks--back just in time to go to Denver for our big conference--if the doctor lets her go! Good God.

Of course, her health is the most important thing. Here's the last thing I said to her as she left my office,

"well, don't I always say 'take care of your innards?' That's second ONLY to 'there's always time for lipstick."

Hey, everyone has her own management style.

In order of importance, here's how I advise my staff:

1. There's always time for lipstick
2. Take care of your innards
3. Stay close to the Lord
(this works on two levels: literal, if your staff member is religious; ironic if she's not.)
4. Destroy the evidence
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