Before i go to sleep...

Dec 02, 2007 01:06

Some conversations from my night out...

1.Man on coke(apparently called Dave...): I fucking hate Jordan, she's a fucking bitch. I've got two kids and look after them. I don't know. I fucking hate her, the bitch. She's a bad mother!

Me: Her kids are happy, she's providing for them, she isn't pretending to be a role model for young kids, she's catering for an adult audience...what says 'bad mother' about that?

Man on coke: I don't know. I like your coat.

2.Man on coke: Your shoes are shit.

M: You've got shit on your face.

Man on coke: Your shoes are shit.

M: You've got shit all over your face.

Man on coke: You'll never see me again...

3.Man on coke: Where are you from?

G:'s called Ramsbottom

Man on coke: You live in sheep's arse?

G: Yeah, i suppose...

Man on coke: I live in 32 DD

4.Man on coke: How old are you?


Man on coke: How about you?

Me: 22

Man on coke: Do I look like your dad?

Me: dad is taller.

Man on coke: How old are you both?

G: We just told you.

Man on coke: When was the last time someone told you you're gorgeous?

Me: About 40 minutes ago.

Man on coke: How old are you?

The moral of this post is to not, if you can very much help it, sit near men (or women) who are totally off their faces on coke.  What a bunch of idiots. Make for amusing conversation though.

Off to sleep now, shop shop shopping tomorrow. night night x

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