perhaps it's time for me to take a tip from the lovely
gwenergy & update, for goodness' sake!
life is nuts... it's just nuts, y'know?
first of all, i'm sick... been sick for the past week. i'm assuming it's some kind of cold... or allergies... or the plague. who knows? i've also been having weirdass back issues... for the past, let's say 3 - 4 weeks, my lower back has been giving me trouble, though i cannot pinpoint what triggered it. anyway. on tuesday - when my cold started - i called in sick to work. a couple of hours later, excruciating back pain... went to the doctor, but they had no real clue what was up. whatevs. i'm just glad i made it back to the apt in one piece that night (tuesday... the effing cold/rainy/sleety night... took me over an hour to walk home from the doctor's office, when it should've only taken 15 - 20 mins).
i'm tired of cold weather. i want spring! i want to wear dresses & flipflops & see flowers blooming all over the place! i wanna go to the beach
so, on wednesday i just started rehearsing for "the good woman of setzuan" & i'm utterly thrilled! get to work with some of the fabulous "arabian nights" folks, again, & some other wonderful people, as well... bliss :)
hmm, what else? oh! went to nyc last weekend (feb 8 & 9) with the boyfriend. he'd never been to nyc before & 'twas much fun :) we saw "curtains" (FABULOUS musical starring david hyde pierce & debra monk...bought a poster & got it signed... haha) & "phantom"...went to moma... & we ate at 2 neat lil' restaurants (vynl & breeze). basically, it was a much needed weekend away from it all.
i have far too much on my mind right now to be having this much trouble writing...
more later, perhaps?
night lovies