This weekend I had the fun to use
Simply Spray, a spray dye that comes in a spray paint-type aerosol can. I needed to paint my Rainsong top, and because gradient dying makes me want to rip my eyes out (and my fabric wasn't a purely natural material, meaning I'd have to use acid dyes), I decided to try something different.
I picked up three colors: Brite Pink [sic], Brite Yellow [sic], and Blue Jay. After hanging my completed top from a hanger on a tree outside, I went to town! I circled the outfit several times, making sure to get a basic amount of color down on each part of the dress, lifting up sleeves and trying to part awkward folds as I went.
I chose to spray the colors in a little different pattern than they were shown in that reference because the yellow just overlaid with the blue and pink so nicely, but Rainsong's top is never really shown to be one set design. So no biggie.
I haven't yet rinsed the fabric, so I think I'll attempt that after 36 hours (meaning tomorrow), just to get the excess paint off. I also may pick up one more can of blue and make the tips of the sleeves darker as well.
My only beef is that I went through the entirety of each can, and to color a shirt of that size, I would have expected more product.