I had the weirdest dream. It was CNY, and apparently in dream-world in CNY you're supposed to burn the ashes of famous people. So off I go with my family to something equivalent to Costco, and purchased two canisters of ash. One was an old drama artist that now eludes me, and the other was, I think, a politician? And then we go to an indoor bomb range, which somehow has a layer of glass and a koi pond. We drove there using a ferris wheel.
On the ferris wheel, my mother told us (my extended family) to stop crowding around the ash to give them breathing space. And then we arrived and when we opened ash number one there was a bomb with a short fuse inside. My cousin threw that bomb to the range, but turns out it landed by the koi pond, where my father was smoking. For no particular reason, there suddenly was a glass wall between us and father. And then we were gesturing to father to get away. He did.
Then the bomb exploded and my family was hugging really tightly. Mother told me to keep my mouth closed because apparently bombs melt tongues faster or something. And then there was actually this heat from the bomb and it hurts and I think I died, and then there I woke up. The heat kind of lasted a few seconds after that. Looking up, I saw the AC was off, so I wondered if that's what triggered the dream in the first place.
But onwards to the two extra questions from
isarae 1. What's the strangest food combination you've ever tried?
There's quite a lot of strange combinations, because my tongue is really kind of monstrous. Honestly, most of these are from the internet where I've heard someone likes them, or so and so had them and it was good. Among those I've tried are peas with honey, which is actually okay, and banana with bacon with peanut butter in bread. I'm not sure of the purpose of the bacon, but it does make the whole thing crunchy. But so far I think the weirdest was salmon with tomato and raspberry jam. Which does not taste good.
2. Your favourite Tenipuri character(s) is now a Pokemon. Tell me about their Pokemon self.
Fuji would be an Espeon. There was a fanart earlier with Fuji having an Espeon and I'm sold. It's pretty, elegant and sort of mystical. For the moveset, I'm thinking: Hidden Power, Reflect (counter-puncher abilities), Psychic, and a toss up between Confusion or Attract. Espeon's a great sweeper too, with high speed and special attack, but not much defense, so I guess it reflects how Fuji has low stamina but high skill?
By extension, Tezuka should be an Umbreon. Which is awesome because Umbreon's hidden ability is Inner Focus, or, in Japanese, Force of Will. Suits Tezuka :) And for the moveset: Hyper Beam, Return (because Seigaku is Tezuka's driving force), Payback (because Tezuka returns shots with double the power), Baton Pass ("become the pillar of Seigaku, Echizen!"). Too much thought into this askdhshk but so fun.