Feb 05, 2011 15:13
pulling her bed towards
post anesthesia care, we encourage in those over
over loud Doctor Voices
;you did wonderfully, wonderfully;
drowsy and taken aback she murmurs
;thank you;
the kind of awkward acknowledgment
people provide when you congratulate them
on winning a door prize
;everything is better now;
someone provides -
[and i wince, standing behind her carrying her chart
as i read the words that liquefy
even the strongest of insides-
we can not divide, we can not excise,
we can not lift away everything, madame,
that eats at you. we have laid down our knives,
in a humbled rage, before something that operates
on a scale unimaginable to our thick butcher fingers
and our science-kit microscopes
there is no plane,
where we can grasp the free edge
and pull off our suffering]
;let me breathe; she repeats
;let me breathe;
and we foolishly assume it is us
she is bargaining with,
reassuring her that she is in fact
breathing and with us here
;let me breathe;
[as she remembers slowly
her role in this undertaking,
what it is that she did wonderfully at -
retreating to that smallest and secretest place
and willing the machinery of her body to
let her breathe,
let her breathe
while we unresected
the unresectable]
;you did wonderfully;