Oh, Right, This Still Exists

Apr 29, 2012 14:55

Still not dead!

Livejournal's been kind of a ghost town, and I'm just lazy. I've been Tumbling...tumblring? Whatever. But I'm not even doing that very enthusiastically. Just refreshing my dashboard and never actually reblogging half the stuff I find.


So, what's happened in the last month since I updated?

I knit some stuff. I cooked. I went to New York to visit poisonivory for a few days. I griped to Mr. Fleur about how DC Comics has ruined my favorite characters.

Mr. Fleur had a birthday. We're going to see the Red Sox at the end of May.

We also lost Mr. Fleur's grandfather. On or slightly before Mr. Fleur's birthday and coinciding with my trip to New York. That was not a week crowned in glory.

Okay, the New York trip was kind of crowned in glory, but having to come home to a funeral certainly wasn't.

I spent pretty much all of today cleaning and oh shit I need to get my laundry out of the dryer it's probably all wrinkling. And I baked cupcakes.

Such is life.
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