Aug 27, 2011 07:36
So, how about this impending hurricane?
Mr. Fleur and I have batteries, bread, and milk, and we are ready for this mofo whenever it should arrive. The only thing we don't have is a battery-powered radio. I'm wondering if we should go try and find one before this puppy hits or not. We didn't see any the last time we went out.
Do people even make radios anymore, or is it all just iPods and stuff?
I should probably move my longboxes out of the basement in the horrifying but pretty much unlikely event that we get flooded. I mean, we have a finished basement. I should hope that the previous owners weren't stupid enough to finish a basement that floods, but...
Plus, I've just been tossing them in a corner of the crafting office after I've finished reading them, so it's getting a little Hoardersy up there.
I should also print any patterns I don't currently have printed, in the eventuality that we lose power.
Vacation was lovely, by the way. If I think of it, I'll upload my eleventy billion pictures of waterfalls. Coming back to work was torture, especially the classroom I subbed in for the past two days. Those were some of the worst behaved kids I have ever experienced. (A few were also some of the sweetest and loveliest as well, but most of their peers were unbearable.)
I haven't been sleeping well lately. Not so much the falling asleep part, it's the waking up far earlier than I should part. I mean, look. I'm awake at 7:30 on a Saturday. This is not acceptable. At least being stuck inside for hurricanes means I can have a nap.