Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail

May 31, 2011 23:02

So I was on my way to work today, and as I left the condor lot and started driving down the road, my car started making these horrible "WUGGA WUGGA WUGGA" noises and I could see smoke coming from somewhere.

I pulled over at a coffee shop maybe five minutes from home and called my dad. Then we had to call AAA and our mechanic.

One of my struts broke and the broken piece gouged a huge chunk out of the tire. If I had gotten on the highway -- hell, if I'd kept driving -- it would've blown out.

Littlest came and waited with me for the tow truck, then loaned me her car for the day, but I've got to rent a car for the rest of the week because I can't steal anybody else's and there's no way Mr. Fleur can drive me to work. We leave the house at basically the same time, and we go in two totally different directions.

I ended up being two hours late to work, but we only had two kids in and none of my bosses were there, so it was a good day to be two hours late to work.

Ugh, this is not how I wanted my week to start. Fuck you, Mercmobile.
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