The power to change the world

Feb 06, 2008 19:44

Hi everyone! Here is a summary that explains chronologically the Tsubasa story. Enjoy :D

Once, there was a princess of Clow country named Sakura. She had the power to change the world. There was also Shaoran that lived in the same world as Sakura, but maybe not the same country. He also had some magical powers of his own.

Fei Wang Reed wanted to acquire the power to cross dimensions and he wished to bring back one who had died. For that wish to be granted, he needed something buried in the ruins of Clow (probably Sakura's soul) and Sakura's body. Sakura's body needed to travel across different worlds to create memories and come back to Fei Wang Reed in the end. I am guessing that her body engraved with dimensions will act as a compass to help Fei Wang to travel space and time in order to revive someone.

Sakura also needed some companion for such a risky time-space journey. Since Shaoran was especially strong because of his magical abilities, Fei Wang chose him to accompany Sakura. Somehow, Shaoran knew of Reed's evil plan, maybe because he had prescient abilities. Therefore, he could possibly have hindered Fei Wang Reed's plan. Consequently, Fei Wang imprisoned Shaoran and created a clone of him who would go on the journey with Sakura. This clone carried the same magical powers as the original but was only in itself an empty shell without a soul. The original Shaoran was fortunately able to give his heart to the clone.

The clone arrived to Clow country as an orphan. Fujitaka adopted him and treated him as his son. Clone Shaoran got to meet Sakura and become best friends with her. All this time the clone had no heart really from himself, but he had the potential to develop one. Through the time he was in captivity, the original Shaoran was watching by clone Shaoran's right eye what was happening, and maybe even experiencing the events through the clone.

Since Sakura was very important for Fei Wang's wish to be granted and since the journey was very dangerous, he decided to clone her to have a duplicate in case something happened to her, but he cloned her differently than what he did for Shaoran. When Sakura was drawn by a special wing engraving in Clow's ruins and made magically temporarily captive, Fei Wang attempted to copy both Sakura's body and soul. Unfortunately, that was too hard to do, and as soon as the replica was created, the body of the original Sakura disintegrated, leaving only the original soul. As for the soul of the replica, it scattered into feathers to different worlds so as to force clone Shaoran to retrieve them to save the princess’s life. This way, he would escort and protect clone Sakura's precious body across different dimensions allowing that body to make memories in all the visited worlds.

At some point in the quest, the original Shaoran awakens from his spell and finds his clone in Tokyo. The clone ejects his borrowed heart which is retrieved by the original. Clone Shaoran gives back clone Sakura another feather. He then leaves Tokyo to another dimension having no feelings but only the will to retrieve the scattered memory feathers. Thanks to the last feather found, clone Sakura retrieves the memory of being created from an original Sakura. From then on, she does not want real Shaoran to love her since the soul of the real Sakura is waiting for him...

Further on in the story, clone Sakura sacrifices herself to save the original Shaoran. Hence, her body is seriously injured allowing her soul to go into the dream world. The real Shaoran also gains access to the dream thanks to the feather that Seishirou had. That feather is the one that previously made the virtual world become real. Somehow, clone Shaoran also makes it into the dream world, maybe because he has no soul, so he is not completely human, thus part of a dream. Or maybe thanks to his increasing powers.

Clone Shaoran takes back the feather in real Shaoran, which makes Nihon and the dream world merge together and collapse. Clone Sakura's soul is destroyed by both Shaorans fighting each other. Clone Sakura disappears into clone Shaoran's arms telling him she loves him. She also tells him, that since they both are replicas, if both originals continue to live, everything is not over. Clone Shaoran seems to suffer from his heart. Did he develop a heart? Did Sakura's soul become his heart? Probably not, but who knows… As for the body of the clone Sakura, Kyle retrieves it and brings it back to Fei Wang. Since clone Sakura passed away, the feather left by her in Tokyo might be unimportant by now, although Kyle catched and brought the last feather it with him.

The story starts with original Sakura and real Shaoran’s heart inside cloned Shaoran’s body. The manga might end with original Shaoran and real Sakura’s heart inside cloned Sakura’s body!!

Each time a new country is presented to the reader, a feather shape appears on the page to indicate the name of that new country. Interestingly enough, on page 56 of the first volume, we switch from Clow country to Fei Wang’s hideout without any country name indication. And now, Yuuko revealed that Fei Wong’s Wong location is Clow country, in a world within seperated time! If that makes sense, I wonder why there is no naming of Yuuko’s Japan when the companions arrive there. Maybe because the story clearly tells us that it is the country of the witch of dimensions. Or maybe because that world is also somehow closely related to the country of Clow?
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