Tonight I'm not even bothering recapping the AI top ten. After last week, frankly I wasn't going to watch. But I forgot to cancel the season pass on my tivo, and had nothing to do (again) tonight, so I watched. As I watched, I thought there were some better performances, but wowee, they saved the best for last tonight:
Click to view
That performance right there sold me. I've watched it at least 7 times and preordered the track on iTunes (it does't actually get released til Thursday! :( )
I actually picked up my phone and called in two votes (in 20 minutes! yay! the lines were way busy! good sign). I know I am a sellout for watching this, but I really like this dude. It's a shame, because he probably won't win. The Hannah Montana crowd out there way outnumbers the people who like better music, so I'm predicting the "other" David will win. I hope at least "my" David will go as far as possible, because after he's gone, I'm not watching any more.
Oh, and RANT:
I'm sick of the people criticizing the good performances by saying "it's not really orginal! other people did such and such song first!" It's really annoying. So what. Chris Cornell came up with this arrangement. SOMEONE had to come up with EVERY arrangement all these contestants do. NO ONE is completely original. But for David C. to have the guts and wisdom to choose this song, THAT is what makes him original, bold and so awesome.
~end of rant~ :)