Kinda faded, but I feel alright

Mar 08, 2007 22:21

It's been quite a while since I've updated this 'journal.'

I hate that I do think every so often, 'I should write about that in lj.' but i forget. or waste time doing something else. oh well.

Let's try to think of what's been happening since my last entry.

That was fun. I liked the different things I got to do at the Free Press. It was a bit strange to live with my great aunt. It was nice of her to let me stay, don't get me wrong, I am just used to taking care of myself. Doing the whole 8-5 thing was interesting. I think I prefer a weirder schedule that I get at a daily of 2 or 3 or 4 to 10 or 11 or midnight. I like waking up whenever, having real, actual time to do stuff, and THEN going to work. I don't think this schedule would work if I ever crawled out of my shell and tried dating, but as long as I'm lonelyalison, I like unusual schedules.

Runaway sister.
She's back. And pregnant. That's right. My grandma's second grandchild will be the one giving her the first GREAT grandchild. Another reason for me to never have kids. Actually, there's a lot in there that makes me not want to have kids, but I don't really want to get into it, because I could be up all night writing.
Anyway, she's living with Mom, finishing school, and popping it out in September. If all goes to plan. I hope she can either get over or improve the loser that did this to her. He really is lazy. I know it's prolly my sisterly thing to not like her boyfriend, but he really, really is useless. He won't get a job, and is constantly suspended from school. People like him make me not only not want to have kids, but not want to be around people in general. Haha. Joke.

Just when I think I'm finally gonna slide through (that's what he said), I'm told I'm not fulfilling a requirement. So I have to pick up an online class starting after spring break (which I am on right now, and I will discuss more in a bit). It sucks. I also have to pay $210 for the credit I picked up (I dropped a 2-credit class, but the one I'm picking up is 3 credits, so I have to pay the difference): $210 for a stupid class I have to take so the university can be happy. Stupid CMU.
I am so completely unmotivated to do homework. In theory, completing my assignments sounds good. I just haven't been able to bring myself to actually DO them. I believe I am suffering from what is known as 'senioritis.'

CM Life is CM Life. I don't feel like I'm that great of friends with any of the editors anymore. Mark is, well, Mark. Jason was dating Beth, but now ... I don't know. So I don't know how much of him I'll be seeing. And while I really do think everyone else with is cool, I have this weird fear that everyone hates me. I am kind of bitchy sometimes, because I have a lot to handle, and I worry constantly about what CM Life will be like once I'm not there, even though I KNOW IT'S NOT MY CONCERN. I guess since I don't hang out with any editors, or really talk to them, I feel like they hate me. This is just how insecurealison is.
I do, however, talk with some pretty cool reporters. These are the girls I wish I had been friends with longer. Katie, Dana, Lindsey, Caitlin. When I'm having a bad day, usually a conversation about anything with them makes me smile at least a little. I'm sad I'll be leaving them in May.

I put the (s) because while I am finishing up, that means I should be job hunting. Should be. I did send out some e-mail apps a few weeks ago. I got a response from a paper in southern Alabama, and really think it's the perfect place for me (besides it being really, really far away from my family). The paper is good size, decent design, has a nice news editor, young staff, and it's WARM year round. While I would miss my sweaters, I think not having to drive on snow and ice would be worth the trade off. I'm gonna do some more looking, but I would love for this opportunity in Alabama to pan out. I know I will very likely have to leave the state to get a job. It might as well be somewhere nice.

I touched on this a little with job(s), but I really don't hang with many people. If it weren't for my CM Life girls, I would probably never get out. Amanda is too busy being corporate woman (which she IS since she graduated! :) ), so I hardly see her anymore. She's been busy applying for a full-time job where she is (she's a temp right now), which is hectic, but I miss her. Beth is great, and fun to be around; I don't know what I'd do without her. Probably never leave my apartment.

The Office.
Yes. It gets its own subhead. It is a little ridiculous how much I love this show; I know. Looking back on some of the early season 3 episodes, I've been a bit disappointed (compared to season 2), but it's getting really good. The last new episode was on 2 weeks ago, and there are strong rumors another new ep isn't coming until April 12. This makes me very, very sad. The Office is like the most reliable boyfriend I've never had. Sure, it's mad me cry, but mostly I laugh, and laugh, and laugh. The Office is usually the best part of my week and now it's leaving me hanging for another 5? Gr. At this point, I don't care as much about JAM getting together (although it'd certainly be nice), I just want to see really good episodes that feature the secondary characters more (not just Michael Scott-focused only; I love Steve Carell, I just want to see more Kelly, Meredith, Kevin, etc.) I love The Office.

Spring break.
As I mentioned earlier, I'm on break! I really haven't done much. I've been mostly in Bellevue since Saturday. Dana, her friend Caryn, and I tried to go to Chicago on Tuesday, but it didn't work out, and we scaled mini ice bergs instead. We stayed at my mom's trailer for a night, which I really enjoyed. I like not being in Mt. Pleasant. I've been saying since Tuesday night that's I'm going back there tomorrow morning. Here it is Thursday night, and I'm saying it again. I really mean it this time though, because I need to lock myself in a place where I won't get distracted (does that exist?), and do my homework...
So yeah, spring break is good, especially since I get to see the dogs so much! Have I mentioned my mom's newest pomeranian, Gracie? She's cute. I'll post an album on yahoo when I feel like it.

I now subscribe to Blockbuster's online service, which might ruin my life if I let it. I get lots of free movie coupons, and as many discs in the mail as I can handle. I can handle a lot. Eleven discs of Desperate Housewives, 48 episodes, in two weeks. Yeah, I can handle a lot. And I wonder why I don't get my homework done...

Computer upgrade!
Um, one of the BIGGEST new things I haven't mentioned yet! I FINALLY got a MacBook! HURRAH! I bought it for myself on Christmas Eve. I don't know why I waited so long. My life is so much better without a PC in it. I hadn't turned the stupid thing on since before Christmas break, but I did last Wednesday, because I though there was something on it that I needed (turns out it was on a back up disc), and it was SO SLOW. I don't know how I didn't throw it out the window when I had to rely on it. I know I threatened to many times. I still might, if I can't think of a better use for it.
Seriously, though. I love my Mac. I have all the fonts, programs, and internet speed I need (for now, haha). It's so great to use a computer that opens things instantly, instead of having to wait for a page to load like I'm on my mom's dial up.

I have found that no matter how much I work out, I stay the same size. I exercise a lot, and nothing happens. I take a week off, nothing happens. It's frustrating. I like running, so I'm not gonna stop. I just wish maybe it could do more for me than just get my adrenaline going.

Some current favorite songs
Time bomb - The Format
Sparks - Coldplay
Thanks for the memories - Fall Out Boy
The Queen and I, Clothes Off!, Cupids Chokehold - Gym Class Heroes
I had more songs to which I was addicted, but they are getting a little overplayed on my ipod. So those 6 will be the new ones I will overplay and get sick of. Thanks to Danielle for letting me burn the Gym Class Heroes. I've seen the name around, but didn't hear their music til I got the album from her. Fun stuff.

I'm tired, so I'm ending this long, and probably pretty boring to everyone else entry. I guess I like to keep track of myself just so I can look back in a few years and see what I'm like. Sometimes I feel dorky that I use my "blog" just to track myself, when most people actually discuss interesting stuff, but oh well. It's my journal, right? I'll do what I want. Annabelle is snoring right now, and it's the cutest thing!

There's more I'd like to write about. Maybe I'll remember/motivate myself to write soon. Or I might just see ya again in another 3 months... GAH! I'll be GRADUATING then! (pending CMU deciding to screw me over again) AHHHHHH. (enter freakingoutalittlebitalison...)

me, work, exercise, school, the office, friends, family, music

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