There are a few of us that have birthdys around the same time.
nguinn has one 2 days after mine and Sarah (Death of DooM) has one 3 days after Nathan's. Sarah and I have gotten together and decided that this year we are going 'gothic formal' for the birthday bash, so please if you are going to be there, dress up. This is an important b-day to me because of the age I'm turning so humor me and 'goth it up'!
nguinn Please try very hard to make it out to Legends for the party (since we haven't missed a birthday together in 3 years). You know how important it is to me that you are there (hell look at last year).
I'm planning on being at the club around 9:30 or 10 (coming from Greensboro) but will be there until I'm either a: Daryl gets me too drunk to dance B:
vudu causes me to have a heart attack on the dance floor or c: I'm so drunk that I'm puking (not on the list of things to do).
Please drop a comment and let me know if you are going to be able to make it or not.