
Mar 07, 2010 15:00

Signs of spring at la casa de fleur:

- Plastic wrap uninstalled from windows:  check
- Found first spider in the house:   check
- Promptly hoovered up said spider with the vacuum cleaner hose:  check
- Debated whether or not it would be humane to skip the middleman, so to speak, and just actually vacuum Duncan:  check
- Might have overzealously watered my herb seeds to death:  check
- Noted that daylight savings time starts in 1 week:  check

This is a delicious day. Slept in with the mancats, noted that the house was largely already clean, fiddled online a bit, opened a bunch of windows, and am going out later for thai food and theater with girlfriends. woot. Tomorrow will be insane with the crazy amount of busy, but today is all good.
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