don't wake the baby

Apr 29, 2006 10:11

stardate: the 29th of april, year of our lord two thousand six
location: the rally point
with: While I breathe I hope , the Silent Parade, Pezz

(yet another show log that I have made two weeks or so after the actual show)
So the night before this show I forgot to take my allergy medicine, I woke up to feeling very not-good from this. Despite knowing it was going to make me super-drowsy and possibly dizzy, I took it in the morning. It was not kicking in, so I took two tylenol allergy pills (medically this is o.k., but not a good idea realistically, I'm not a pill-popper, I hate drugs, legal or otherwise) none of this stuff was doing it's job, except for making me feel cracked out and awful. Meredith was a saint though and drove me around until I could pull myself together. All of this is to give you a preclude on the hours leading up to the show. and I'm sure you can imagine the effects on my performance, but here we go.

I arrive at the rally point, not much feeling like playing, but soldier on none-the-less. I set up my stuff and went to go get a water from the bar, and while waiting for it, I look up at the television which has a topless woman from the waist-up. Dammit. note to self: remember to not look at the tv at the rally point. So after a slight adjustment to where I was set up on the "stage" to avoid singing a song about not looking at boobies while looking at boobies, I started my set. I played five of the usual songs I play, mostly the darker ones, because that was the mood that I was in, and it didn't seem much like a happy love-song crowd. I could not see the crowd at all because of the lights, and overall I was not having much fun at all. By now at least my allergies had calmed down, but the mental effects of it making me grumpy all day had stayed. Mix in a good-helping of self-loathing and solo artist boredom, and I was being a full baby about stuff. Everyone after I played was being really nice to me though, and seemed to enjoy my set, I wish I wasn't being so dumb about it. Billy said some of the coolest stuff to me ever, and it was really encouraging, I like him a lot. After the show I went to do the Global Night Commute, and I felt way better about everything, because it ruled. So if you were at that show and I was being a baby, I apologize. the main thing is I'm just getting really tired of playing shows by myself, but until I can find some people to play with, it's my main outlet for songs that I have written, I'll get it figured out though.
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