The end of spring break

Mar 13, 2005 21:26

As we all know, all good things must come to an end. And so ends my spring break. I'll still have lots of fun though. I'm just going to be forced to face the harsh reality that I have to go back to school and I did exactly nil schoolwork. No studying. No researching for papers. Nothing. I had so much fun it didn't matter though. I still think I'll be able to get the work done that I have to.

Much better to think about is the stuff I did over the break. I actually organized enough to get a few people together and play games. That sounds like nothing, but for me....that's some awesome planning. I planned something. I'm half expecting somebody to walk up, shake me, and ask "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH BRANDON?!?" Yes. But I actually organized a little get together and it went off. People came. We played games. We had fun.

To go in an entirely new order.... At the beginning of this break the first thing I did was drive down to pick up abbie. The first few days go as following

Driving to UVA- 100 miles

Driving Abbie to the guard competition- 80 miles

Driving to Richmond to pick up Ashish/getting back to competition/driving to McD's/Driving Ashish + Abbie back to Richmond- 50 miles

Driving from Richmond back home- 60 miles

Getting to see my sis, Ashish, and Abbie all in one weekend- Priceless

The other beautiful thing is that all of that was on one tank of gas. One ten-gallon tank of gas. I love my car. So yeah. I had lots of fun at the end of the weekend too. Much DDR and other stuff. Wow. I still have trouble believing myself when I passed B4U on maniac. But it's there, it recorded me passing. Along with some other songs which I previously thought of as impossible. Of course I went back and tried them the next day, only to get horribly schooled. Heh. Such is life. Anyway....much more stuff to do before I go back, later everyone.
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