Jul 19, 2009 22:31
So most guys probably have the fantasy of a gorgeous woman conveniently being placed into his life with very little effort (i.e. being lab partners with them, co-workers, etc.). Well my day was surreal in that sense. I have to study for a test tomorrow morning, so for the sake of time management, here is my conversation with alex bad:
me: i just flew back from KC, sat next to a gorgeous girl...
alex: yeah?
me: started watching the office, saw that she was watching and laughing
offered to let her listen in... 2 head phone jacks
so she cozied up and we watched 3 or 4 episodes...
talked to her after we had to turn it off, she is going to dayton with me on the next flight...
works for a defense contractor in LA and is taking a class in the same building as me
and staying right next to me.
alex: sounds awesome!
me: so i drove her from the airport to her hotel... great conversation, plenty of chemistry
so I asked her what music she likes... "oh, i'm really into indy rock"
alex: good so far
me: ok, gimme your top 5 bands... "muse, radiohed---"
I offered to drive her to and from classes this week, and we've planned on hanging out throughout the week. (only bad part, only here for a week). Still fun though!
Wedding was great, i'm tired, gotta study. bubye!