Don't you just hate it when you see something online that looks so incredibly cool, but you know it has to be an April Fool's joke? I was just scanning the Internets for good pranks when I saw this one on the StarCraft 2 website:
That is the Terratron, a new (and totaly fake) unit for StarCraft II made by combining all of the different Terran base structures. True to Blizzard form, the the page contains enough quotes and references about giant robots to make a copyright lawyer nervous.
The thing is, if that were in the game, then I would totally buy the game at launch. As things are, I will probably be holding off on buying StarCraft II until a price drop since I mostly suck at RTS's.
There are couple other interesting April Fool's from Blizzard, but they're for games I not actually interested in, so you can look check them out at your own leisure.
StarCraft II website via