So yeah i really need to get up with writing stuff on here, esp since NANOWRIMO is coming up soon. so yeah still trying to look for a job here in Vegas and whatnot. No luck but ill get one eventually. I might also go back to school and get a Associates or something but i dunno what yet. I dunno I'm at a point where I keep wondering what the point of my life. and that What the fuck am i suppose to do? Yeah I guess i still have a lot of thinking to do.
But enough about me you want to read about the hot half naked men that i saw a few nights ago! No I'm nothing talking about wrestlers. I'm talking about The Sirens of TI show at Treasure Island. It's a free outdoor show they have nightly and it cheesy but yet sexy. It used to be like Pirates vs sailors, but Now they have sexy sirens. I NEED FANFICTION! like I want fanfiction for a free outdoor show on the strip. I want Femdom and def slash, femslash, orgy EVERYTHING!!!!!! GAHHH It sucks when you want a fandom out of something so small. If you need proof heres a video:
Click to view
like Yeah I might Write something with them for NANO this year.
Speaking of Hot half naked men, Claudio got signed to the WWE!!!!!!!1 His new name is Antonio Cesaro. I like the name and it sounds sexy and fits him. I am so happy that he is finally getting a shot. But in a way I can say i was one of his first fan as well as fangirl of him. Because believe me he will have fangirls and ringrats wanting to touch him. The only question i have is What about hero? I mean he has to also be signed too right?
So yeah I have started writing and finishing some stuff, but i dunno if i can post them just yet.