Slowly but surely the UK is becoming a centrepoint for over-surveillance and censorship.
In a recent
article from the Daily Mail, it was revealed some schools in the UK are no longer teaching about the Holocaust because it may offend some Mulsims who deny that it happened. What an utter load of trollop.
Let's not teach students about what actually and irrefutably happened in the past because some people refuse to accept what happened. Nooo we might hurt their feelings because their beliefs are based on ignorance. That's not our responsibly, the past is the past no matter how horrible it is. The reason you teach your kids about such things is so that they don't happen again.
I mean how do all of the German Jews and their descendants feel about this? Perhaps they might be offended that UK schools are trying to cover up the horrible atrocities that happened to their people.
If you are going to live in the UK you have to accept that their values include being honest about history and not portraying it so it looks better for your religion. If you bring your religion into their country that's all good and well, but don't expect them to change their society for you. The same applies for Australia. Why should we change our culture because we might offend a migrant? They are coming to our country and not the other way around. It would be utter arrogance for me to move to another country and then not accept to be bound by their laws or customs. What you do in your own home is your own business, but you can't reasonably expect society to change just for you. I offer the same sentiment as many other patriotic Australian's, if you don't like us, our country, or our beliefs, then don't live here.
And besides it's about time western cultures realised you can't please everyone, in the end you end up with nothing left of yourself. I mean do the very cultures we are trying not to offend offer to change their culture in their home countries for us, i think not.
Mood: Indignant
Music: none
Quote: "Fuck the fucking fuckers"