Time for another completely pointless post. But this time I have some pictures to offer up to the LJ gods. I'd post more, but I'm lazy and I want to go home.
These pictures demonstrate (in order):
1. The process of inebriation
2. The dumb things people convince me to do whilst drunk
3. The molestation that ensues
4. My general reaction to the drunken pseudo-philosophical debates that people insist on having
What kind of disease are you?
Catwoman is caused by alien mind control rays.
Catwoman disease makes you kick babies.
The only cure for Catwoman is to paint everything you own a bright hot pink. This includes family members, small children, and pets.
What kind of disease are you?
Alyxandra is caused by Satan.
Alyxandra creates a dire fear of cute lil' puppies in those infected by it.
The only cure for Alyxandra is to drink fresh spring water from the mystical spring of ixthapa.
Now 'tis time for me to run off again. 'Til next time I'm at a computer, keep your feet on the ground and your head in the sky and don't run with those scissors! You'll put out an eye!