Overall, I am full of squee! It ties with Bad Day at Black Rock as my favourite so far this season. I just like having the boys together. No more splitting up to do stuff, all right? Joined at the hip is how I like my Winchesters.
Erm, working backwards… I actually kind of liked Sandy as the Crossroads Demon. I thought she did a pretty good job though I don't buy her as Sam's ideal woman. Jared's, yes - Sam's, no. That's my personal canon, but Sam's ideal woman is the statuesque blonde à la Jess, which is why Ruby has chosen the meat suit she has. I wasn't comfortable about the Dean-bashing the demon did to Sam because I don't want it even hinted at that Sam doesn't want to save Dean more than anything else in the world. So, yay for Sam shooting her. That's what happens when you diss The Dean to Sammeh.
The motel - home of sleepy Dean and lingering looks back over the shoulder - was very yellow. Yellow lights outside the motel, yellow lamp and yellow blankets. Seriously, do these motels hear the Anti-Christ is coming and change all the furnishings? That said, I do approve of the lighting being used in this way.
Oh the last conversation between the boys! Jensen Ackles is one hell of an actor - as is Jared, but it was that look Dean gave Sam, where he couldn't bring himself to say 'yes, I want you to let me go' but he couldn't risk Sam either by saying 'no, do not let the hellhounds get me'. And him walking away and Sammy looking after him and oh, my heart broke.
The actual story was pretty cool. I liked the fairytales and thought they were transposed to spn-verse pretty well. Thought the three pigs were the best though. As for Dean not knowing his fairytales, well, I guess we just have to put that down as evidence of just how thoroughly screwed to hell his childhood was. Or clumsy script-writing. And I know a lot of people have had problems with the 'could you be more gay line'… me, it just seemed rather blokey.
And the opening fight! Boys! You're breaking my heart! Still, it's a nice parallel to the John issue, isn’t it? All those fights John and Sam had, you start to wonder about the extent of John's worry about his boys. John!Dean says 'no, we're doing it my way, no discussion' and he's saying it because he cannot take any chances with Sam. He's fighting so hard to shut the discussion down because he's scared for Sam. And let's face it, we're all a little scared for Sam right now.
On a closing and almost entirely unrelated note, I was rewatching WIAWSNB last night and thinking about the last scene in the wish-verse, where Jess, Mary, Sam and Carmen all converge on Dean. There's a great big red light in the background and I'm not sure what that's meant to be telling us.
So, you have Sam (possible Anti-Christ), Mary (who knew the YED), Carmen (a dark-haired woman who comes over and kisses Dean in front of a great big red light) and Jess (Sam's blonde, female sidekick) all trying to get Dean to give in and surrender to the wish-world. And Dean can't, not even when Sammy's asking, because he knows about all the people who have/will get hurt if Dean does. So Dean's response? He has to die.
And yeah, the Jess to Ruby mapping doesn't quite work and you could argue that Carmen is a dark-haired woman for the same reason the Crossroads Demon is (they're Dean's perfect-woman type) but I still wonder if maybe that scene is telling us something about how the end of this season is going to go down.