It's a nice day for a white weddiingggggg

Jul 31, 2005 02:04

Haha so today I went to Vera's Wedding reception thing (not the wedding though, they had that in Arizona).
Haha it was cool
I got to see a shit load of people I hadn't seen in forever
Vera looked good, haha I love her
Jenny I had seen a few days before so no big suprise
hahaha but her boyfriend was a fucknig bro
Hahah I accidentally said that
Hahah oops... reflex man........BAUGHT!
Scott looks the fucknig same just taller
I love that kid to fucknig death
he's fucknig thirteen!
damn that boy's getting big
Last time I saw that kid he was in a fucking diaper
Bronca looked great! She has long hair now... fucknig gorgous
haha she's giving us more shoes :|]
FUCKING JOHNNY! "Crazy Uncle Johnny"
hahhahaha I love that homo
He looks the fucknig saaammeeee
Hahahahha when he came over to talk to me Scott (his nephew) Was like "HEY FAG!" hahahahahahahaha It was so funny!!! I was liek fucking scoottttttt!!!!!!! hahah it was cool though... he laughed.. but still!
hahahah I love how Vera is the only Heterosexual child
Bacca kinda made me sad.... she's getting old and isn't doing so well :(
Hahah and John looked great of course.. haha he was nice, hadn't seen him in like ten years
Haha I love them alllllllllll

It was kinda boring, but still fun because I miss all those guys

Makes me depressed though
haha my street's so dead nowwwwwwww
haha before you'd go out at fucking 4 in the morning and they're be garage doors opend, alchohol and policeeeeeeeee

Now it's dark and there's maybe a few fucking catsss

fucknig prude ass new neighbors hahahah

And there's no more White Boyahs comming in and out of our back yard getting the hockey stuff.... shit there's barely any hockey stuff anymore



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