so I've decided to stop being a lazy ass
Acually Ohnel asked how long me and Angel had been together
and I didn't know
So I want to have the day down so I don't forget hahaha
So we've been together since September 17th
That's better :P
11 days
Hahaha Oh man
it's so weird
I'm not used to lasting relashionships
my longest is two weeks and two days
It's weiirdddddd
Hehe I wonder how long we'll be together
Friday me and Kellie are having a double date
her Idea
It'll be cool I guess
Her and Juan and Me and Angel
like a date date
dinner and a movie kinda thing
never had a date date before
my stupid kittens keep getting on the counter and pissing on the beds
I hate training the little shits
haha but they're so fucknig cute
Boo started having siezers again though
:\ and I'm worried
She's not having like 4 a day like last year
I'm scared
I don't want her to dieeeee
but it's so fucking expensive
I'm going to save up though
I hope she dosen't have a tumor or a liegon, because I don't think I could come up with money for surgery
I'll barely be able to come up with enough for the check up and spinal tap and shit
If anyone feels like donating some ching ching to help save my poor Cat's life
I'd appreciate it like nobody's business
She's five years old, and my only cat that's stayed alive over a year
She's the sweetest little thing ever
Old picture
but she's sooo prettyyyyyy