Happy V-day to all, but this entry is for you!

Feb 14, 2004 10:54

My fire-written by rick park

These are the things that drive me
You are the one who burns me
She is that fire in the pit of my stumoch
That is what love is! It his her... believe me I know
Her venom stays, both potion and poison
She is all I need for the rest of my days
Take my hand my betrothed... run with me into our sunset
They built it all for us... lets set the world on fire
The world didn't expect us to last... Now they will see
When pretty meets pain, this is our world to reign!
Our love is the brightest fire, It has forged us this far
Just wait until the ash falls off, true beauty is a scar away

God how can your heart not drop when you see how much she adores me *sigh*

50 things I adore about Amber

1. Her smile, with her tiny lips and the she uses it to bend me to her will
2. How she is so adorable
3. She is skinny, I never really had a thing for skinny girls, but man it must be my hidden fantasy or something! (eww to fatness)
4. Her stumoch, It is flat perfect has exellent muscle tone
5. Her hair, oh my god, that girl is like a fashion queen she always has the coolest hair colors and designs and no matter what she does with it, it somehow always looks great (even with a bandana)
6. If you have ever had the chance of seeing her not dressed then I need not say anymore, she is drop dead gourgous!
7. The looks she has in some pictures where her eyes are slightly askew *growls*

8. How she is always trying to make me happy
9. She is so funny, smoke a bowl with her and I garuntee you will be on the ground in sticthes
10. She hates everything, just like me
11. She is so interesting, I thought she was easy to figure out, but I learn something new everyday
12. Her winky and blinky they are the most perfect pair ever, I am not exagerating either!
13. How she constantly puts up with my crap
14. How she will always show me something new (ie. music, art, people to talk to)
15. Her petite features
16. Her legs, mmmm esp, when she has no socks on!
17. How she sticks with me through and through
18. How I can just let it all hang out when I am with her, she lets me be who I want to be, And I want her to be her without any apprehensions becuase there is nothing that could make me hate her
19. How she wears the pants in this family
20. How we already have names for our kids
21. Her skin, It is the softest thing on earth, I could get lost in her embrace
22. Her sense of style, she is so rad!
23. I love her eyes, they have this kiss and don't tell kind of look
24. Having sex, where do I start, she is well... It is ungodly. This feeling it generates inside me, like I am part of something great, she is always concerned about my pleasure when really it is best for me when she lets loose, to know that I can make her feel that good well I don't know if you people would understand It is something that cannot really be paraphrased, It is much more than sex though. It is an intertwining, a melding, it truly is beautiful.
25. This ---->

26. How if she is sad I will be
27. How she has the power to make my day better by just by glancing at me
28. How she hugs me, she wraps her paws all around me and it makes me feel so god damn loved
29. How I can never ever stay mad at her even after some rather greusome events
30. Her kiss, if it were a drug I would be at the methodone clinic right now
31. Her butt, I am not an ass man by nature but wowie she has a tush if I ever seen one
32. The way she smells, like her skin and natural fragrence, it is delicious
33. How she loves me so much, I have so little in this world, her love is so important to me
34. How we can always find something to talk about, interesting or not
35. How she is always behind my art, and the fact that I am bound to the life of a starving artist and she still sticks with me
36. How she provides for me in one way or another
37. Her grace, when she is her she is lovely, if she is trying to be something she is not it doesn't work out that well
38. How she gave up so much to be with me, and is doing so again
39. How even though we have had major problems in the past, we are still a couple, it amazes me how strong our love is, it has survived so much
40. When she touches me I get this feeling, I don't know... If you are in love then you might undersatnd
41. BACKRUBS! she is the queen of backrubs
42. She is always on my ass to get things done, she is a good motivator
43. She is an asset to my life, without her I wallow in misery, to have her be away from me is tearing me apart inside
44. The times we have been bored to daeth, mad at eachother, or just plain blah! we were still always ok.
45. How there are so many things about her I love that I can make a list like this
46. How she loves me regardless of what her "standards" are for a guy
47. How she is always doing something nice for me even if it suttle
48. How I am completly obsessed and infatuated with her, and how I dream about her just about every night
49. How she is my fantasy, you know how rare it is to have your fantasy fulfilled
50. How one day she is going to make the perfect bride, and the perfect mother, amber my love I want to be with you for the rest of my life

I could go on for ages, I could write her name in the stars and it would still not be enough, there is no limit to my love for her. She is my one and only, the only one that I will ever need. Amber you are the one that I adore!

I miss you <3

see how much we love eachother!

Happy Valentiens day to all and to all go get laid!
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