STUFFNES!!! a loooong read, get your reading glasses if you want :(

Feb 08, 2004 10:07

ok well where to begin in my 'o' so eventful day. Well first I want to adress something with amber. Everytime I talk to her on the phone she is sounding worse and worse as she is slowly dieing. She won't tell me what's wrong and claims that she is always just tired and bored. I wish you would come out and state how feel babe. Pinpointing emotions and thoughts is not an easy task. I am not mad, I just wish it was a little easier sometimes you know. But all that aside I think I have figured out the reason to her seemingly increasing depression. I, when talking on the phone usually have good news of some kind or am exited about something. What I think it is, is that she feels as if I am having the time of my life without her and that things are great and yay! And that she is left out on the fun. Sweetie although I may be seeing the lighter side of life here and when your not around doesn't mean that I don't loath the fact that you cannot be here with me. I know it is hard I miss you. And I apoligize that I can't call you or talk to you whenever you need but I do have 4 other people here to consider. I love you, and you know that. I can't stand to talk to you when you sound as if your on your death bed. It only sadens me more. And my mom she feels so bad that we couldn't find a way for you to come with us. Amber please don't be miserable it is worthless. We can't change our current situation but what we can change is how we deal with it. I LOVE YOU

Ok, well our stuff came last night at like 8:00pm. It was already like 3 days late. And we had a couple of stupid russians moving our stuff. First of they come up and are like (in a stupid russian accent) "well it take till 12pm. it is only two of us". So we had to help the movers unload NOT OUR JOB. Well the things start pouring in. First thing we see

Important papers, no lid and shit missing...ok me and my mom are getting reved up.
Next her box of precious things come in (shotglasses, mugs, memrobilia) SMASHED! Ireplacable things gone, The tote fell over when they were unloading it. They said "It not our fault, you should have packed better". WHAT! it was on from then on for like the next two hours. My mom was hysterical and crying. So I poured her a glass of red wine. More stuff is coming in totes are cracked and smashed. Ones that say fragile are being tossed around. I think the worst blow was my mom's pipe broke. It was a going away present when she moved from utah to CT. She has had it for almost 4 years. Luckily my pipe made it out safley. I at one point said to the smaller russian guy "I guess they don't have a word for fragile in your stupid language". Man I was an asshole, I had every right to be! Well more stuff comes in

OUR MERCHANDISE spilled everywhere, that is our business. Well needles to say my mom was already off the handle so I don't know if there is a term to describe how mad she was. Well maybe this will help she went and dug out her knife that her dad gave her. REAL SHARP thing haha and was making stabbing motions behind their backs. Well anyways more stuff is broke and chipped and fucked up than I can even tell you right now. DO NOT USE AMERICAN MOVERS AID EVER! they will send stupid russians to move your things. Well they finally finish bringing it all in. And one of leo's totes has gone missing! Well the russians are like "are you going to sign contract, I need to go" my mom "Look at this shit there is holes in all the boxes who knows if this shit even works anymore" Fat russian "Well open, now" my very pissed off mom "Fucking exuse me your in my fucking house, you really want me to open all this shit while you check" Fat russian "well we not responible for packing" me "Yes, but your job is to make sure it gets here all in one piece". Well we all go on the hunt for leo tote. Nope no where to be found. Had his printer, dvd player, dvd's, knifes, tools ect. Well it is getting late so I go over to the Fat russian and say "do you guys switch the trucks" Fat russian "yes we do that" me "well where do you do it" Fat russian "why?" me "No where, becuase if it ended up in a warehouse somewhere I want to know that I can get it back" Fat Russain "oh yea in new york, we do that". Well he ended up saying some stupid shit about the job market and blah blah blah. I was like I want our shit and it is your guys fault it ain't here. Well there was alot more said and shit but we let them go and told them we would have our insurance claim in a couple of days. Well in the midst of cleaning we found leo's tote. YAY!, relief well we all just wanted to sit down and chill. We had a couple of beers and were goofing around here are some pics.

wow what a night eh, well we topped it off by sitting down to watch underworld wich no one really watched (intro is still playing) haha. well got to bed at about 3 am. haha. And I have decided that I am indeffinatly quiting ciggs. For the reason that it makes amber really really unhappy. Now, all she has to do is be forward with her emotions and then were even. i am going to finish whats in my pack then go cold turkey I did it for 10 months before, I can do it for longer. You gotta understand hun it's give and take. Well I am sure if you read all this then your eyeballs are hurting well haha I don't gove a damn!!! haha j/k, I love you sweetie and I need you and no, life is not better without you trust me. COME QUICK!!! much loveses
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