First off, a REC (big time)!
Title:For Educational Purposes Only
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Electric BoogalooAuthor:
keelywolfe Fandom: Transformers: Bayverse
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Optimus/Ratchet, hinted Sam/Bee/Mikaela
Warning: Sticky
Author Notes: I actually wrote this for the
Transformers Kink meme, but I prefer having all my own writing on my lj, so I tweaked it up and now I'm posting here. Hey, my first time writing 'sticky' Transformers porn, now I can check that off on my List of Great Perverse Things I've Written. *G* If I had any shame left, surely I would be feeling it now.
Femme's Notes: Read this! Just do it. Now. It is hilarious and fabulous in the best sort of ways, but please please don't have anything to drink in our hand or mouth as you do so. Utterly fabulous crack, and HOT at the same time. Mikaela is determined to learn about Cybertronian interfacing, and Ratchet has met his match. She ends up learning more than she bargained for and having to make quite a trade for it!
And a socket dump
Note: Cybertronian editor, these are reposts from what is on our fic journal. Please disregard.
Series: Dathana de Gray
DDG ch. 77 Subseries - Outside Eyes Ch. 3 Blaster's Brood
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
Fandom: Transformers Bayverse AU
gatekat and
femme4jack on LJ
Pairing: Blaster/Blaster's Brood/Amelia Strongheart
Rating: R
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), mentions mechpreg, slavery and touchy religious subjects
Summary: Amelia and Masomakali get a full evening with Blaster and his brood to learn the basics of a very unique and rare Cybertronian subculture.
Series: Dark Nobility
Fandom: Transformers Bayverse AU
gatekat and
femme4jack on LJ
Ch. 9 Plotting a WarPairing: Mirage/Hound/Alicia Rodriguez, Mirage/Storm Front
Rating: NC-17 for mech/mech
Codes: Slash, Xeno (Transformer/Human)
Summary: Prime, Peacemaker, Ironhide, Chromia, Storm Front and Mirage catch up on the evening's events and what Mirage pulled from Combaticon memory banks.
Ch. 10 Alicia's Recovery Pairing: Mirage/Hound/Alicia Rodriguez
Rating: R
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), references to torture, violence, rape and mutilation
Summary: When Alicia wakes, it is not to the world she was expecting.
Ch. 11 A Party SurprisePairing: Mirage/Alicia Rodriguez, Mirage/Corrente, implied Mirage/Corrente/Thundercracker/Skywarp/Starscream
Rating: NC-17 mech/mech
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Sticky
Summary: An unwelcome guest with even more unwelcome demands shows up for the celebration to officially welcome Mirage into the House as a mech.
Ch. 12 Healing and Being HealedPairing: Mirage/Alicia Rodriguez
Rating: PG-13
Codes: Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Recovery
Summary: While Alicia is physically healed, the nanites Mirage claimed her with are doing a number on her to make her mind heal as fast as possible.
Chapter 13 Passion of the Lord PrimePairing: Mirage/Alicia, Mirage/Optimus Prime
Rating: NC-17 for mech/mech
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Sticky, mentions Mechpreg
Summary: After Jazz gets close to Mirage at the party, Prime deems it time to request a spark merge to prove Mirage hasn't been compromised. Mirage has a suggestion to make it less painful.
Chapter 14 First PleasurePairing: Mirage/Corrente, Alicia/Adelfonso
Rating: NC-17 mech/mech, male/female
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Sticky
Summary: In a bid to help Alicia recover, Mirage activates Adelfonso to give her some 'human' touch while Corrente pleasures him.
Chapter 15 Visiting PraxusPairing: Mirage/Alicia Rodriguez
Rating: NC-17 mech/mech/female
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), mechsmut
Summary: Mirage takes Corrente on a trip to Praxus to get to know him better.
Chapter 16 A Gentle DeathPairing: Mirage/Alicia Rodriguez/Corrente, Smokescreen/Sparkrest
Rating: NC-17 mech/mech, mech/human (pnp)
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), Death, Priestly Prostitution, mech/mech PnP, mech/mech Sparksex, Sticky, Snuff (sexual killing).
Summary: On an outing to enjoy the beauty Praxus has to offer, Mirage and Alicia are reminded rather forcefully that the treatment of organics is not the only thing the war changed for the better.
Chapter 17 Tender CareRating: NC-17 mech/mech/female
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human)
Summary: While Mirage spends time at the temple, Corrente and Alicia gets to spend some time together and discuss uncomfortable things.
Chapter 18 NightmaresRating: NC-17 mech/mech
Codes: Slash, Het, Xeno (Transformer/Human), mechsmut, violent nightmare (rape, torture, mutilation), possible triggers for abuse survivors, and culturally uncomfortable topics(see notes)
Summary: Alicia suffers two nightmares, and only one of them is just in her head.