A touch closer to heaven + Why skywarp is not allowed pets, ever

May 06, 2012 00:43

Title: A touch closer to heaven.
Rating: U
Pairings/Characters: Primus/human race.
Summary: What would you do if you were a God?
Notes: This is more of a drabble than anything, mostly Primus doing a bit of pondering on humans and their place in his world. Totally safe for work, if a little bit on the weird side.

If he was honest, he just could not help it, the humans were so damn fascinating. Short life spans, but they crammed in as much as they could before their bodies wore out.

So he watched, visor flicking in amusement at the daily drama, excitement and even exhaustion of the human component of NEST. Perhaps sending the Allspark into space had been the biggest stroke of genius ever, not that he would ever admit to planting the notion in Optimus' head to send the cube away. Still the cube had a most interesting effect on this small planet, of course it had to have something to work with that was similar to it.

Judging by how the humans had reacted to the Cybertronians, it probably wouldn't be the greatest idea to tell them the truth, that a very long time ago a being had visited the insignificant third rock from the sun of an insignificant system and gifted it with life before traveling onwards to meet his brother.

The only thing worse than that bombshell would probably be the notion that said being hadn't stayed away forever and had come back to find out how the insignificant planet was doing and to keep a close eye on his suicidally noble prime. Best bot for the job, but damn, it was harder than anything keeping Optimus alive, not to mention that brave but stupid witwicky kid. Perhaps he could make something out of the kid, or Optimus could.

A sharp rapping on his pede startled Primus out of his thoughts and he looked down at the small guide and the latest small batch of very important and overly impressed with themselves humans to be given the tour of the base.

"Hey y'all, 'm Jazz".

I've got another one to add. A bit more darker, involves death.
Title: Why Skywarp is not allowed pets,ever.
Continuity: G1ish
Rating: PG-13 at least due to implied death.
Pairings/Characters: Skywarp, Starscream and 'George'.
Summary: Skywarp isn't allowed pets, this is why. Also Starscream has interesting taste in books.
Notes: This is more of a drabble than anything, I saw a ridiculous summary of a story and decided to write what I thought was more likely to happen.

The giggles from their quarters were becoming most disturbing, Starscream wondered if his trinemate had finally gone out of his tiny processor, then decided if Skywarp had that he really didn't want to know, shame Skywarp did not share the same sentiment and stuck his head around the corner still giggling disturbingly.


Starscream reset his optics, no, he wasn't dreaming, Skywarp really was standing in front of him, servos clasped and pleading with him to guess what was in them. The air commander cycled air for a moment, then realised that Skywarp was going to keep him from finding out what happened to Bella until he guessed whatever the other jet had.

"An annoying prank to play on someone?" He chanced.

"Nope!" The giggles were seriously starting to disturb him now, then he heard a small drip noise, there was something leaking out of Skywarp's clasped servos, Starscream flailed dramatically, pushing away his trinemate and shrieking about nasty dripping on his paintwork.

Then the air commander heard the one sound that could cut a Starscream sized tantrum off straight away. Skywarp was looking down at his hands and was he, primus forbid actually pouting? No, not pouting, fully blown misery. "It was going to be my pet, I was going to love it and cuddle it and name it george". Starscream's eye twitched as his trinemate's lower lip started to quiver.

"What was going to be your pet?" Not the right question to ask, at that the blue jet burst into the nearest equivalent of crying for them, great hiccuping cycles of his internal fans.

It took sometime to get the story out of the traumatised Decepticon, and then some more time to get Skywarp to part with the squashed body of an apparently female human he'd found wandering near their base and had decided to adopt, but at last everything was settled once he'd managed to convince his not so bright companion that a pet rock was the most fun ever and no, it would not go squish like 'George' had, and of course once Skywarp had picked out the best looking one which involved traipsing all over the area looking for the perfect pet rock.

At last the mess was cleaned up, Skywarp was cooing over his new "pet" and all was right in the world of Starscream for now and the jet could get back to his book and find out why in the hell vampires sparkled.

rated g, continuity: movie, rated pg13, continuity: g1

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