May 28, 2006 00:30
and its not even over yet.
so far its had its ups and downs.
i got fired and rehired. (that's right, i said fired.) my grandmother told me all i'll ever need to know about brittany spears, tom cruise, and angelina jolie. The Juggernaut would be my favorite member of the Mutant Division of wrestling...bitch!
Nica bought us Rascal Flats tix friday, which totally makes up for missing Jacks Mannequin.
and James and i are FINALLY going to make plans to make up for lost time. and whether it includes Warped Tour,and Orlando trip, or just making the trips between towns for the rest of the summer at least this time we're sure of something getting accomplished.
of all the great things to happen this wkend, those prelim plans are probably the ones that make me happiest. i have known this kid for 16 years and we've gotten screwed out of seeing each other so many times.
i've put off seeing him again for a while, because his forwardness about how deep our bond is wigged me out.
but after talking to him its evident that no matter what stage we are in our frienship he will never feel too awkward to state how much he misses me,how much he cares about my life, how important it is for him to see me again. he's the only guy (friend or otherwise) to sincerely say i was beautiful. thats powerful. i never have to fish for a compliment and he never says it just to lull me or please me. its a mutual thing...he amazes me and for some reason lost on me, the kid adores me. he even wants to come with me to Chicago to help me move in just to be a part of the experience. we've not had any physical contact for 6 years, but he still wants to be a part of things. thats so great.
i guess thats what lifelong friendship earns you.
unconditional love.
anyway i guess beneath all the babbling and the rambling i'm trying to say i'm looking forward to happy times.
and there's nothing wrong with that, eh?