Now begins the hard part of anything someone does for a period of time: the second half. This is the part of the game where people stop counting up, and start counting down. I could easily say "Only fourteen days left!" instead of "I'm in day sixteen!" This is where the true test of self-control comes in: it's easy to cheat the last few days, justifying it by saying, "Well, I'm so close to the end anyway, it doesn't really matter." I'm going to put all the energy I have into this to make it worthwhile, otherwise I'm just starving myself for a while, then eating again.
Some people have asked me, "What do you hope to get out of this?" Honestly, the main thing I want out of it is the knowledge that yes, I can put my mind to something, and I can do it to the best of my ability, and I can stick with it until it's all over. There will be the obvious lessons of self-control, diligence, and will power, but with all of that, I want to show myself that I am able to start something and complete it. I've sucked at doing that lately, but I'm hoping this experience will give me a new understanding about diligence and self-control.
Now that the sermonette's over, onto the normal banter:
Today went excellent. Lunch sucked today, so I really didn't feel tempted to eat at all. It's basically coming down to that every day.
Today in Psych, the guys and girls split up and wrote GIQ (Gender IQ) tests for the opposite sex, the point being to see how much guys knew about girl stuff, and how much girls knew about guy stuff. Our quiz went something along the lines of:
1.) How often do you change the spark plugs in a diesel engine? (There are no spark plugs in a diesel engine)
2.) Who is the NFL commissioner? (Roger Goodell)
3.) What will Dale Earndhart, Jr.'s, car number be next year? (88)
4.) Who was the number one NFL draft pick this year? (Jamarcus Russell)
Out of our ten questions, the girls couldn't answer any. Then it was time for the girls questions. Out of ten questions, we got these four correct (thought processes in italics):
1.) What does OB-GYN stand for?
ME: Oh! "GYN" stands for "gynocologist"!
[ALL GUYS mutter "Ob... ob..." to themselves]
ME: Obstritian! Obstritian Gynocologist!
2.) What's the difference between foundation and concealer?
ME: You think you're cool? Concealer covers up blemishes and acne, and foundation sets up the face for other makeup.
3.) How do you stop a run in nylons?
ME: Nail polish.
STEVE: No, stupid, it's hairspray.
ME: Oh yeah, hairspray. I forgot.
4.) How long do you plug in an eyelash curler for?
ME: There's no such thing as an eyelash curler!
STEVE: Yeah there is! It's that tweezer-like thing. You don't plug it in, because it would hurt like hell if you burned yourself!
Then each group got the chance to tell the one inappropriate question they wanted to tell. The guys question:
BONUS) When Chuck Norris had his "Who Has More Testicles" contest with Lance Armstrong, by how much did Chuck Norris win?
LEXY: Five. That's a stupid joke...
The girls, however, had a heyday with this one:
BONUS) What is a brazillian wax?
[ALL GUYS motion to the crotch and mention waxing the hair.]
It was great. We totally owned them.
Big day tomorrow with the Luverne Tri-State Festival. Someone made locker boosters. It wasn't any of the drum majors, and they were only made for colorguard, trumpets, and trombones. Normally something like that shouldn't bother me, but because they weren't made for everyone, and a bunch of people complained to me that they weren't made for everyone, it kind of ticks me off. But honestly, it's no big deal. The drum majors will be sure to make locker boosters for Chamberlain.