Sep 15, 2007 21:13
I love King Turkey Day.
The Worthington turkey, Paycheck, won his first race in nine years today, obliterating the Cuero, TX, turkey, Ruby Begonia. Paycheck finished the race in 52 seconds, plus a five second penalty because he was touched by a race team member, for a final time of 57 seconds. Ruby Begonia had to be carried over the finish line because he was dawdling, with a time of two minutes, 13 seconds, plus a two minute penalty for picking up the turkey, for a final time of four minutes and 13 seconds.
I was so proud of the band today. We did excellent, and if we had been in competition, we would've blown everyone else out of the water. But congratulations to Adrian for finishing first. And an extra congratulations to Boyden-Hull, IA, marching in their first parade in nine years and finishing third. Absolutely amazing.
Day three of Ramadan went okay. With KTD comes awesome food, like cheese curds and turkey sandwiches and such, all of which I love, but couldn't eat today. But, thankfully, mom gave me $20, so I went out to Dairy Queen and got some food after sundown.
This fasting thing is definitely testing my endurance. Maybe it's just because I'm weak, but it's a bit of a challenge going all day without eating, while at the same time being tempted by aromas and friends eating in front of you. I was staring at dad's fries when we went out to eat for supper, just wanting to tear off a piece and taste it, but I knew I couldn't, so I just sat there, stomach growling, staring at the fries, drinking my water.
But, in the end, it's a pretty cool experience, and we'll see where I am on October 12th.