Our bus.cord makes cookies for everyone and hands them out in individual packages along with cards. The cookies are always excellent and I dole them out carefully over the holidays. Except this year because it's 2016 and one must carp the diem, so I ate them all for dinner.
Am with that person who tweeted that the nice thing about being Jewish is that for you, 2016 was over 3000 years ago. Mind, I bet +/- 3760 BC was no hot hell either.
The last two Dr Siris. I don't at all mind if there's as much psychic as detective stuff in it. Bend those genres, say I. This series was much more cheerful and uplifting than any of my previous detective fic binges.
And now?
Akata Witch and Queen Victoria's Book of Spells, novel and short story collection respectively, and in these doldrum days no idea how far I'll get with them.
A Distant Mirror and Chia Tao's poems still on the go. Both slow, and the poems slower because they have notes as well as Chinese text.
The perfect book for holiday reading has yet to appear. Ask again when I'm not facing an 8 o'clock shift that crippled me is dreading.