Dec 25, 2024 18:11
Paupers is only having its turkey dinner on the 24th and 25th so it was today or never. (Yesterday had too much snow to go out.) Crunched out over salt and/or untreated snow on twinging feet (feet do not like boots) and had a reasonable dinner with a lot of wine because wine is exempt in the HST holiday. Then discovered the wine store was unaccountably open so threw caution to the winds and bought pseudo-Bailey's Irish Cream and will stay drunk on same until Friday.
Have finished at least two or three of Martin Edwards' collection of Golden Age detective stories. Go down easily, leave no traces. Have another on the go plus a Michael Innes, Lament for a Maker with its pleasant Scots vocabulary, most of which I understand either from R L Stevenson or my childhood or, for all I know, those Middle English classes in uni. (Which have me puzzled. I remember taking Chaucer my last year, and remember that somehow I knew Gawain in either '71 or '72 because I remember telling the plot to a sick housemate to distract her from her acheypains, but can't for the life of me recall anything else from that course.)
Got a promising mystery from the library about a mummy in the Brit.Mus and various shenanigans attached thereto, but it began with an amateur yobbo assistant at same measuring and weighing and unwrapping the specimens. Then I come on a sentence where said assistant is vivisecting a mummy and no, I really can't go on.
So am reading Thief of Time instead. Oddly, bedause that and Night Watch were what got me into Pratchett finally, back in 2008, I'm finding it rather a mishmash. But second class Pratchett is still better than most people's first class, so shall continue.