(no subject)

Apr 14, 2024 22:28

Met SND out with her new pup, name of Oliver. The theory is he's part chihuahua but his markings are, I'm told, more Jack Russell terrier. To my untutored eye he looks like nothing more than a miniature beagle. J says one can do DNA tests on dogs now: always a market. I'd only do that if I suspected herd dog DNA so as not to be surprised by herding behaviour.

Spring. After weeks and weeks of only crocuses and snowdrops, daffodils and tulips come up in sunshiny spots. A cherry is blooming down on Barton. I am moved to do some dusting and mopping and furniture polishing upstairs, to take advantage of the bright unfiltered sun before the trees burst into leaf. But I also to rerereread Agatha Christies: zoomed through Lord Edgeware Dies and Cat Among the Pigeons. I owned a copy of the latter as a twelve year old and read it so often that I have much of it memorized.

Had a pleasant dream the other day of being back in Tokyo and out at night with Finder Jean and Mary senpai, on a broad street that was partly University Ave here and partly some unnamed boulevard seen from a taxi, back in 2001, with Fearless Leader. In the dream we were, as ever, heading for an archetypal Tokyo bookstore, but I believe some people stopped us and talked us into taking their baby.

reading_24, rl_24, japan, dreams

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