(no subject)

Dec 20, 2022 21:40

Doorbell rings. I grump my way off the sofa and limp to the front hallway and even though my porch is dark, I already know who it is. Two guys wearing broad-brimmed hats. It's the Orthodox Jewish missionaries again, though why they operate as they do mystifies me. Wish me a happy Hanukkah (or Pesach or Rosh Hashanah, as per season), ask if I'm Jewish, turn away and head down the steps when I say no. Pretty scattershot approach, that. Especially as they're going to ask my Turkish next door, Iraqi Prof north of him, Lutheran Swedes north of that, and then into the Italianate portion of the block.

Though now I think of it, do the Orthodox proselytize? I thought not. But do Messianic Jews dress Orthodox? This is confusing.

Fifteen minutes later doorbell rings again. Am tempted to ignore it but it might be my garage tenant coming early, so grump me off sofa etc etc. And it's Sadie's mom from the south wishing me happy solstice and giving me a frozen mini-pie to celebrate. So that's ok.

rl_22, xmas_22

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