Jan 12, 2022 22:17
Had to plug my phone in to recharge last night. It's finicky and takes forever to find a position that it will recharge in, which is an annoyance given that I only got it in November. Seriously considering cutting my losses and getting a more recent model and just eating the $200 it cost me.
But when I turned it on there was a message from reliable drugstore announcing they have booster shots, just as they said they would. 'We will hold this for 72 hours' but of course I had to book right away because spots don't last in this town. But. But. Once I start registering and putting information in I'm told I have ten minutes to complete registration, including address and phone and health card no. and dates of previous vaccines and doctor's phone and a bunch of other stuff. And I'm wondering why people complain that cell phones are oh so bulky and hard for women to hold, because what I find is that the keyboards are tiny and it's impossible to hit the right key so there was much backspacing and always missing the key I wanted, so naturally I got kicked out of the process and had to start from the beginning.
But anyway, now slated for the 26th (earliest date: spots really do not last in this town) so all's well that ends well. And meanwhile my N95 masks with double straps arrived and they really don't let air in, which is nice for the glasses wearer but a bit suffocating. And yes, the inside really does get wet after an hour, especially if you're doing physio stuff as I was today.