Apr 26, 2020 04:09
Six ships you're into right now:
1. Bruce/Dick
2. Bruce/Selina
3. Moriarty/Athelney Jones
4. Kaiba/Jounouchi
5. Andrew/Rex
6. Sherlock/Watson
Three ships you liked but don't like anymore:
7. Dick/Barbara
8. Dick/Tim
9. Honda/Jounouchi
Four ships you never liked:
10. Dick/Jason
11. Andrew/Sam
12. Bruce/Barbara
13. Superman/Wonder Woman
Two ships you're curious about but don't actually ship:
14. Holmes/Moriarty
15. Poirot/Hastings (ha!, bet you didn't see that one coming)
And now, the weather questions (Note: Hella spoilers for Moriarty):
Why do you dislike 11 (Andrew/Sam) so much?
I think they have better chemistry as friends. Although I could see them being happy together, I think it would be Sam settling for Andrew instead of really loving him.
Who is someone you know that ships 14 (Holmes/Moriarty)?
I actually don't know anyone personally, but I know people ship it.
What would be your ideal scenario for 3 (Moriarty/Athelney Jones)?
Athelney alive. *sobs* That's all that I want. Ideally, Moriarty would hang around as Chase and do their little consulting detective business for a time. There would be no truly happy ending for my boys, but at least they'd both still be alive.
What is your favourite moment for 1 (Bruce/Dick)?
Ugh, what isn't my favorite moment? Anything with the two of them happy together, really. As Batman and Robin, Batman and Nightwing, Bruce and Dick, anything. They're like, the universal constant.
How long have you been following 6 (Sherlock/Watson)?
Since I was a wee shipper as a child.
What's the story with 8 (Dick/Tim)? What made you stop liking/caring?
Well, I don't really have any strong feelings about the ship, is the thing. I've written it, but I don't really see it myself.
You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose from 10 (Dick/Jason) or 12 (Bruce/Barbara).
Bruce/Barbara, for sure. DC Bruce Timm has some big thing where they really want to ship her with him, but they keep aging her down and that's :////
Which ship do you prefer, 2 (Bruce/Selina) or 4 (Kaiba/Jounouchi)?
Don't make me choose. I guess Kaiba/Jounouchi, because I love their antagonistic push-and-pull.
What interests you about 15 (Poirot/Hastings)?
I sorta half-ship it? I just need more material to ship it fully.
Why did you stop liking 7 (Dick/Barbara)?
When DC decided it was endgame for both of them, despite the fact that it never fucking works. They're best as exes who happen to be great friends. And like, that's not a bad thing.
Did your waning interest in 9 (Honda/Jounouchi) kill your interest in the show manga?
Not really? I just don't really ship them anymore.
What's a song that reminds you of 5 (Andrew/Rex)?
Rough Boys by Pete Townshend. Ugh, my heart.
If you could have any two of these pairings double date, who would it be?
Sherlock/Watson and Moriarty as Chase/Athelney Jones. Like, could you imagine? The whole time, Sherlock and Moriarty are mentally and verbally sparring, seeing who's going to call the other out first. Athelney would be starstruck by Sherlock. Watson would be embarrassed by all three of them.
Have 2 (Bruce/Selina) kissed yet?
Bruh, they've done everything but have sex on panel.
Did 4 (Kaiba/Jounouchi) have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Well, they're not canon, so...no? But in my fics, they do, so there.
What would make you start shipping 14 (Sherlock/Moriarty)?
Good fic. And none of the BBC show fic.
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, 2 (Bruce/Selina) or 6 (Sherlock/Watson)?
They're both so canon. I guess Sherlock/Watson, because I'm afraid of how DC would screw up Bruce/Selina.
You have the power to decide the fate of 10 (Dick/Jason). What happens to them?
They stay brothers and friends.
Which do you dislike the most?
Bruce/Barbara. So much.
Which of these ships do you like the most?I love all my children equally.