Sayonara Onesan

Nov 01, 2004 18:06

Tomorrow my sister is leaving for college to study nursing..for a year. Oh, of course I'll see her at Christmas time..but still. To have someone you've known and loved for 15 years to just leave you for a long period of time is..hard.

I'll miss her. I really will.

I dont have any idea if anyone of you can understand me right now...

Mom says that 'It's almost the same as when Guineveive comes'. No mom. Its not. She's only my half-sister, and I only she her once or twice a year, if that even. I mean, I love her too, but we don't really 'connect' like me and Shannon do. Sure, there are times when it seems like we want to rip eachother's throats out, but thats normal amongst siblings.

Yah, there will probably be people who think 'Wouldnt you be happy to have your sibling out of the house?', mainly because they can't stand their own. Well guess what. I'm not. I mean its great for her, going to school and becoming a nurse, and I can use her room downstairs, and the house will possibly more quiet...
Its just sad to see her leave me.

If you think I'm being stupid by saying I'm sad cause she's leaving but she'll be back soon, Fuck you. Alright? I love her, even if it may not show to some people.
And I will miss her, even if it is just for awhile. Even if she is coming back
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