(texture sets 04/05→) Paper and Large Grunge textures.

Jun 27, 2010 21:19

32 100x100 Paper/Surface textures
Plus 6 large Grunge textures, all under the cut.

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32 100x100 Paper/Surface textures~!
Secure download via box.net: click

6 Large (710x472) light/grunge textures~!
Larger Preview: click
Secure download via box.net: click

NOTE» the large textures were made from scratch 100% by me. the small icon-sized textures were taken from images/scans and manipulated/photoshopped to my satisfaction. i don't really require crediting, but it is nice if you have a resources page to throw my lj user link on there. like i said, not in any way required. however, please do me the common courtesy of leaving a little comment if you have the time. it makes me happy. also, consider watching! enjoy! (:

#icon-sized, #textures, style: paper, #large-sized, style: grunge

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