Apr 14, 2005 00:43
Ok, major update ya'll. omg i just said ya'll. I am about half way through my third quarter at SCAD. Things are picking up and starting to become busy. I got a new job as a Server Assistant at 700 Drayton, which is in a 5 star hotel, just built, worth 42 million. all i can say is good money. That job keeps me on my feet fo sho. My mom came down to hilton head for 2 months. It's been nice to head over there on the weekends, and have a nice relaxing weekend away from EVERYBODY. It's been great bonding time, and great tanning time too! This summer I am working for my uncle in syracuse. He is opening up his own business. Not exactly what I want to do this summer but hey, its money right. I am living with Chris for the summer. We need the time together to start "re-dating." I am taking my provisional review in a few weeks, just to let ya'll know, if I fail, I'm not coming back next year. SCAD has already proved to me that they like to give it in the ass, and if I leave that is one less person they can screw. ahh ok that was a bad analogy, or whatever that was. Today Tony and I shot for 6 hours on the profesh DVCPro 50 camera. holy amazing shitnit this footage is amazing, I will never go back to DV again. I still don't know what I want to do after I graduate.....