Aug 16, 2013 09:40
Okay, so I'm writing a Merlin OT4 fic for a friend that's set in 1953 Britain, and I'm wondering what the racial situation would have been like then for Gwen. I googled a bit, and was having trouble finding stuff, but what I'm interested in would be common knowledge for a modern Brit. So I figured I'd just ask my flist!
1. What was the extent of racial segregation in the early 1950s?
In the US everything was separate at that point. Schools, churches, public facilities, even a lot of stores. If you have knowledge that's specific to particular locales, that's useful too!
2. Specifically, what was the situation with the Anglican church? Was it segregated? If so, were there separate services or did people just sit in separate sections? Are there other Christian churches/denominations for whom racial segregation was similar/different?
Thanks guys!