Paperlegends BEGINS - Stage 1: Research!!

Feb 16, 2013 19:02

So I see that quite a few people have paperlegends filters. Is that a thing I need?  Above and beyond just doing cut-tags?  Talk to me about your feelings about filters.  Is the idea to help people avoid spoilers of your fic?  Or to let them skip over the writer's block agony?

[In any case, here's some blather about the research I did today for my PL fic. Not spoilery, I think.]In ooooother news: research.  My PL fic is going to be an historical AU and will require a significant amount of research.  This is the summary I posted in my sign-up:

Historical University AU & RPF.
Long before he was a Baron or the Poet Laureate, and long before he wrote The Idylls of the King, Alfred Tennyson was a nervous, dark-haired kid at Cambridge, where he met his best friend and soulmate, Arthur. And then there’s tragedy and longing and a shit-load of homoerotic poetry and Tennyson finds himself writing poems about immortality and growing old and Arthurian legends, but mostly this is the story of how Alfred, Lord Tennyson came to write words like, “I am Merlin,” and also “Tis better to have loved and lost” and meant them.

I've already done some of the research: I know the basic timeline of Tennyson's life and have read big parts of a biography, but I want to get the details right.  So more research.  Currently I'm using my university library access privileges to look up esoteric articles about him and his life.  I should just stamp GEEK on my forehead.

But I found out some LOVELY details today: apparently multiple scholars have written about Tennyson's love of Merlin, and how the figure of Merlin stands in for Tennyson in his poetry.  *SQUEE*  AND, and and.  Tennyson actually used "Merlin" and "Taliesen" as pseudonyms for publishing a couple of poems.  !!!!

I am super pleased by these details, and am currently taking notes on an article exclusively about the importance of Merlin to Tennsyon.  *_*


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