Volumes 1 & 2
emsiecat 1 copy of Volume One & Volume two ( PAID)
15falcol 1 copy of Volume One ( Paid)
Status Updates:
Order placed at 9:07 AM EST 5/7/12
Received Email that order has been shipped at 8:31 AM EST 5/9/12
Order has arrived at 12:15 pm EST 5/15/12
Volumes 1 & 2
needabettername 1 copy of Volume 2 (Paid)
mertseguer 1 copy of Volume one and two (Paid)
Status: Order has been placed at 4:01 AM EST
Order has been shipped at 10:24 am EST
Order has arrived at 12:15 pm EST 5/22/12
Note: Just want to point out that I will not be doing a weekly order in this order due to appointments and business in real life. This is why I have extended this order to a two week period. This gives people time to reserve a copy of Vol 1 or 2 and give them time to save up. So instead of having money sent by 5/21/12, you would have until 5/28/12 at 9am EST to get orders and payment sent.