So today, I got my first of two doujinshi packages ( excluding the group buy ) and was really excited because I had wanted to add to my " Blue Exorcist" dj along with my " Tiger and Bunny" and " Giant Killing" books I have. However, one doujinshi left me divided.
This Book:
http://www.c-queen.net/ec/products/detail.php?product_id=88500 ( NSFW)
I purchased this book because I am a fan of the circle and have bought previous books of theirs. However, this is includes something that I am not really a fan of.
!Devil Prussia is kinda horny and goes attacking Germany, however, once the pants are off of Germany, we see that Germany possess a vagina. ( Please note, this is not Germany in his female version that was drawn by the creator nor does Germany have female breasts.) This turns Prussia on and hot sex ensues. ( I should have checked an anatomy textbook prior to buying this and I would have seen the internal shots were not of a man but a woman's. However, I think that is not really presented correctly anyways.)
I have no issue with vagina, I have watched Hentai with no issue, I have seen a few straight pornos. Let's make that clear. I just think that it's not something I would want in my collection because despite Prussia giving the hard dickings to Germany, the idea that Germany + Vagina doesn't appeal to me. So, I believe, I will be parting with this doujinshi. Maybe someone else can enjoy it. But sorry, not me...
Will be tagging all my posts.