YOU GUYS this is my last week of class! :D
So in order to share my glee, have a meme! Ask me for something that would make you gleeful :D Now, I don't mean the stuff you'd be *proud* to admit you like :D I mean the emo/cliche'd/trite/cheesy/silly/badfic FANNISH GLEE INDUCING stuff. I am *deliriously happy* to finally be getting out of uni, so there's a lot of squeefulness to go around :D Feel free to comment anonymously if you're all *that* embarrassed, but c'mon, it's only me :)
- I am slow with requests. You all know this by now. ^^; Though hopefully I will be less slow now that, oh lookit, soon no more classes squee!
- They will be short. Seriously. (WILLIAM STEVEN ROBERT CARTER I AM LOOKING AT YOU.)
- I will attempt fandoms about which I know nothing provided you link me to something you consider indispensable to understanding said characters. And/or geek at length about them. I'm easily influenced that way ^^