
Jul 21, 2006 02:59

Dammit, why are none of you people online so I can brag at you!? I have just typed 'the end' for this fic that which is the first ever StarCatchers porn! History is happening, dammit!

(Mid-copyedit edit: Tammy got bragged at. And Lora, indirectly. Where were the rest of you!?)

*sulk* I guess I'll just throw it on the internet and go find something else to do :P

This takes place at the height of Mayim's and Rea's affair. There is no disclaimer because nobody underage reads this storyblog. So nyah. ^^

Gender-neutral porn, what is the world coming to?

Worst time for a fight, when the early afternoon sun pitched down at an angle, blinding a fighter whilst eir opponent backed the light. It was also about the only time this, the lesser arena, was empty of spectators. That alone ought to have tipped Mayim off. That, and the broad smirk Rea wore as ey scandalously removed eir outer tunic to bare eir arms. Eir shoulders gleamed. Mayim pretended ey hadn't noticed.

"All set?" Rea said, and waggled eir eyebrows. "Don't want to take anything off?"

"I'll stay as I am, thank you," Mayim said, and tugged primly at the wrists of eir tunic.

Rea hefted the two dulled blades ey held, each a yard of hammered, unsharpened steel. No blood from these, though you'd get a hell of a bruise if your opponent didn't pull eir blows. Rea tossed one hilt-first to Mayim, who caught it easily. Well-balanced and strong, the blades were scored from other bouts, though they had the gleam of metal well cared for. Grips of bound leather, crosspiece a simple bar. Mayim and Rea both scooped palmfuls of grit from the floor of the arena and rubbed their palms together, both of them eyed the sun. They started at North and South so neither held an initial advantage.

Mayim felt the first pricklings of sweat, and rolled eir shoulders to loosen them, though ey and Rea had both completed their stretches moments before. Rea was an amiable opponent, fiercely competitive without being aggressive, careful of eir opponent without being soft. Ey settled into a ready stance, body at an angle to Mayim, and saluted em with eir blade. Mayim returned the gesture and cross-stepped to eir left in an attempt to force Rea into the glare. A wasted effort, of course; Rea wouldn't accept the disadvantage so readily. A servicable opening move, however.

Rea slid in and scooped dirt at Mayim's face with eir front foot. Mayim dove and rolled; one-armed, diagonally across eir back, sword and sword arm extended to the side; an extreme response to such a move, but Rea was known to follow that kick up with any of six swordstrokes, so it was best to get out of range. Rea laughed and pursued.

"I expect you to help me wash the dirt out of my hair!" Mayim hollered. Ey gained eir feet and spun, swung an angled downward chop at Rea's collarbone: Rea blocked, the blades ringing together, and Mayim drew eir leg up and lashed out, aiming for Rea's abdomen where ey could take the blow without damage. Rea disengaged and dodged in at forty-five degrees and swept eir free arm under Mayim's leg, and heaved. Mayim went down hard, dust flying, and raised eir blade instinctively to take the downward slash: a stab would have been difficult to block, but Rea's positioning was such that a stab would have no strength to it. Mayim whipped eir blade at Rea's ankles to force em to give ground, and tucked eir legs in and kicked, a flip-leap to eir feet that always impressed a crowd. There were no spectators today, but Rea winked at Mayim and said, "Pleased to see all those lovely muscles have a use!"

"More than one, Rea!" Mayim said, and came in hard with a whirring series of strikes, the tip of eir sword describing a figure eight, then abruptly reversing direction, aimed at Rea's temple. Rea barely got eir sword up in time, and the impact rang loudly in the deserted arena. Battle bells, some called it, the ring of steel on steel.

Rea had a habit of training with any mercs that came through: ey periodically showed up with some greasy new technique that won em many fights before ey relented and taught eir fellows both the move and its designated counter. Ey brought out one such move now: a high-risk and tricky little triple technique which would later cause Mayim to shake eir head and call Rea an acrobat. Rea shuffle-slid in, fast, sword in eir forward hand, and reared eir front knee up as if preparing a kick whilst lashing out with eir free hand, as well. Mayim attempted to block the sword-stroke and twist eirself out range at the same time, and for the briefest moment was unbalanced. That was all Rea needed: ey committed the cardinal sin of dropping eir blade and tackled Mayim. Ey wound up straddling eir shorter friend, gripping both wrists tightly and pressing them to the ground. Rea grinned, breathing fast.

"Did you see? It actually worked!"

Mayim coughed a little, the air around em hazy with dust, a golden nimbus in the slanting light. Ey shook eir head and tugged at Rea's restraint, released eir grip on eir sword to acknowledge Rea's victory.

"What did you do? What a dirty move!"

"Isn't it? I love it!" Rea's grin shifted a little, became insufferably smug. "And now I've got you, flat on your back, and no one around..."

Mayim's eyes widened, and eir heartrate leapt as if the fight were just starting. "Oh no, you're not thinking--"

Rea gleamed, ey smelled warm, sweat and leather and living skin. Ey shifted eir grip and began to lightly stroke the sensitive skin along the inside of Mayim's wrists with eir thumbs. Mayim swallowed: eir blood was up from the fight and eir skin was far more sensitive than it ought to be. Ey wriggled a bit, got eir feet planted.

"Rea," Mayim said, in an attempt at calm reason, "we're in the dirt, in the middle of the arena, in broad daylight. You can't think to--"

"Mm," Rea said, and trailed eir lips along Mayim's jaw. "No one around..."

Mayim yelped when Rea bit the side of eir neck; ey twisted eir head and arched when Rea continued to nibble the spot. "Rea, this is a bad idea..."

Rea released Mayim's wrists and sat back, eir weight on Mayim's pelvis, back against Mayim's thighs. "We can fight more, if you like," ey offered. Mayim kept eye contact for a moment, and then twisted to find eir sword. Rea smoothed eir palms down Mayim's torso, heavy pressure, and cupped the points of Mayim's hipbones. "Of course, I'll only trip you again. And pin you. Or maybe I'll get you against a wall--"

Mayim's eyes flared and ey grabbed Rea's shoulders: ey said "Like hell!" and pushed on one shoulder whilst pulling down on the other: at the same time ey bucked eir hips up. Rea lurched forward, and eir palms slapped into the dust above Mayim's shoulders. Ey let out a startled laugh when Mayim attempted a twist and arch to reverse their positions: Rea was larger and Mayim hadn't gotten em off-balance enough for the move to succeed. Rea stretched out along Mayim's chest, effectively preventing Mayim from trying that technique again. This close eir eyes were a vivid brown, hazy now, and warm. Ey rocked eir hips against Mayim's.

"Hey, easy. I'll stop if you want me to," Rea murmured, but didn't still eir hips. Dust motes floated around their heads; Mayim let out a gusty breath and they flowed in a golden cascade around Rea's face.

"If we get caught--" Mayim said, voice thready.

"We won't," Rea said. The smugness was back in eir voice. Ey knew consent when ey heard it, and undid Mayim's belt one-handed, slid that same hand up Mayim's stomach, scraped eir blunt nails back down.

"You sound, rather confident--"

"Of course. Heh." Fingers at Mayim's trouser-laces now, clever and sure. Sun behind Rea, over eir shoulder, giving em a fierce halo of white light and incandescant dust. It dazzled Mayim.

"We'll be such a mess...," ey said. "And, and-- you're such a dirty cheat, bet you've got people watching the entrances..."

"That I do. Hruko, Jing and Thearron. Anyone else'd sneak in to watch, I think. Though I half expect Thay to."

Mayim stiffened and tried to sit up, glancing wildly around the stands. "Rea!" Ey saw no one, and glared at eir snickering lover.

"That's it, off! We're not doing this." Mayim attempted to pout, with mixed results. It was rather difficult to pout with a warm and very welcome hand sliding into one's trousers.

"Mm, you don't mean that. Not one bit." Rea's chest heaved as ey gulped air, moved eir hand in a way that made Mayim shout. Rea laughed again. "Ah, I love making you make sounds. You're so noisy sometimes, when you come all undone. You might want, to be a little quieter--." Rea's hands were callused and capable; ey hitched eir knees closer to Mayim's ribs, wiped eir free hand on eir tunic and tugged at the fly of Mayim's trousers, creating a wider gap. Ey slid eir other hand inside.

"You'll, ah! Stretch the material!" Mayim said, eyes tightly shut. Ey had slid eir hands down Rea's arms, moved them restlessly along eir torso before settling them onto eir lover's upper thighs. Something to hold onto.

"Mm. Shhh."

"I can't!"

Rea leaned in, like a wing to block the sun, and kissed Mayim, insistent, kept it going. It was simple, and honest, and lasted while Mayim gripped Rea's thighs, arched restlessly against eir weight. Rea kept eir hands to a steady rhythm even when Mayim's breaths acquired a desperate little hitch, muffled sounds fluttering trapped in eir throat. Mayim let out a choked noise and slung an arm over Rea's neck, clutched the front of Rea's tunic with eir other hand. So wound up already, blood running too high for control. Rea lost eir breath and had to break away, gasping; Mayim's face was creased, eir eyes clenched shut, a gloss of sweat on eir skin.


Mayim's head rolled back and a shudder started in eir muscles. Rea increased the intensity or eir stroking and Mayim clutched em closer, curled up to bury eir face against Rea's neck, and bit down, hips shifting ragged-rhythm into Rea's hands. Braced there against the wave of heat and pleasure that hit hard, slammed into em and dragged em under, forced a yell from eir throat.

Rea moaned in sympathy and slowed eir hands, rubbed eir cheek against Mayim's. Ey looked around, half expected to see three grinning faces ready to applaud. Eir friends had behaved though; the shadows were longer but the arena was still empty. Ey watched the sun gleam on eir lover's skin, art born here in the memory of steel and sweat and a little mischief.

"Oh!" Mayim said, and relaxed in a rush, lay back against the dirt and loosened eir clutch on Rea, though ey kept eir eyes closed. "You, ohh. You must, understand, there will be revenge, of some sort--!"

"Yeah," Rea breathed, eir throat tight, and eased eir hands out of Mayim's trousers. "Can't wait."


starcatchers, mayim, rea, fic, loraverse

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