Nov 20, 2009 21:16
I'm trying to buy and in turn cook and eat more different types of food. In this endeavor, I've made the wonderful discovery of squash. We never really made it at home, it wasn't until recently that we even started having sweet potatoes/yams (i know they're not the same but it's one of those two...?). In the past few months though I've tried a few different kinds prepared in various ways.
1. was pale yellow and shaped like a small pumpkin
this one turned out to be really delicious, i cut it into cubes and panfried it with a bunch of spices. to make sure that it cooked, i put some water in the pan to help the process and in the end thanks to my roomie M I added some gin. Tasted very similar to potatoes and I wish i could remember what kind it was. This one I got from the owner of a garden i worked at because he had too many and gave me one to take home. So it was organic, local, and free! yay
2. Acorn squash - this one was my least favourite. I got instructions off the internet on how to bake it. Chop it in half, gut it, put it in the oven with some brown sugar and butter. It tasted okay, but was kinda mushy. I think it would've made a great soup or something...i was going to blend it up and do that, but i guess i just didn't feel like it. maybe another time because i still want to make a good soup from scratch one day.
3. Butternut squash - this was my most recent attempt and it turned out amazing. I peeled it then boiled it for a few minutes to make it easier to cut up into cubes. In a bowl i mixed together some olive oil and spices and then i added the pieces of squash and stirred to coat them all evenly. Then i spread them out on a baking tray thing and put them in the oven. sprinkle a bit of salt on and it tasted great. similar to fries i'd say, sweet potato fries.