
Oct 27, 2009 16:24

 I think the most tastiest food that can be bought at my school are the Rocky Mountain high-fibre muffins.  They come in a variety of semi-similar flavours.....blueberry cheesecake, raspberry-apple, espresso chocolate chip.  Now these don't sound similar at all, but the flavouring is really only on the very top, like a piece of decoration, the rest of the muffin tastes the same to me.  They are kind of dry, maybe like coffee cakes (? not sure what they actually are, but it sounds right) and they are perfect to dip in a nice hot cup of coffee.  They are quite dense too, so after eating one, you're really full.  I think last year I had a bit of an addiction to them.  I started to leave my wallet at home so that I couldn't spend it on muffins!  I've had a few this year, and I believe that I am over my addiction eventhough I still crave them once in a while.  I suppose that happens with a lot of things though, the random cravings.  I wonder what causes them.  It's got to be mainly psychological with a bit of physiological influence depending on what it is.  It'd be interesting to find out more... I know part of it is it's the body's way of telling you that you are lacking a certain micro-nutrient, but that is totally different from my muffin addiction.  I really doubt that I needed more cream cheese flavouring or whatever ;p  I wonder what triggers these psychological cravings, emotions, images, sounds, memories, chemical imbalance in the brain????  But this is boring, on to something more fun!!!!!!!!!!

snacks.  i think one of the most perfect snacks ought to be nuts.  I love them.  They are easy to pack, they don't go bad, can't get squished, and can be eaten on the go and even in locations where you're not supposed to eat.  Packing a small handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts etc) along with an apple makes for the perfect between-meal snack.  I usually take some nuts and an apple to school as my in class snack, because having three straight hours of class, plus the bus ride before and after, makes for a long wait between meals. Yay Snacks!


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